He-Man and Pharaoh (self-titled) |
Being a mom to a boy can mean many things.
I have a friend who's boys LOVE all things crawly, slimy, furry, whatever. They love to get messy, dirty, and gross.
I have another friend who's son is always getting hurt. Broken arms, black eyes, scraped knees, whatever kid injury you can get he does.
But my boys, primary my oldest, are different. I remember starting to read Bringing Up Boys by Dr. Dobson and after a few chapters gave up-none of it applied to my cautious, quiet, bug fearing child.
Jay is adventurous, as long as someone else is first:) Having a little brother who is a little less cautious is helpful for that! I can always see the desire in his face to
really want to do something, but also the fear that traps him.
God, I am so like this. So many times I
really want to jump out and do something so great for God, but my fear traps me. Fear of failure. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of the unknown.
I think the unknown is Jay's issue.
I mean who really knows if ladybugs don't have death venom and pinchers that hurt so bad it feels like your leg will fall off?? So I guess its
totally understandable to scream bloody murder when one gets on your leg? right?!
Luckily the Lord gives us plenty of skid dish, not equipped, timid men to reference in the Bible. Most all of our "heroes of the faith" were nobodies, who thought they were exactly that. We have been camped with Moses for a while lately. Kids love the red sea story and David and Goliath. So we continue to go back to them:)
I decided to let Jay watch Prince of Egypt. How I love that movie. (And you can't go wrong with a little Whitney Houston!) I watched Jay's face the whole time. He watched intently, and I prayed through his expressions and body language. Oh, that this little boy would grasp how AWESOME God is and that through Him we
can do anything!
As the movie finished I waited expectantly for the questions, and the awe that I felt ( I
know he was feeling the same!). He turned and looked at me and said "oh mommy, I want to be the Pharaoh so bad."
What??! Did he not get how awesome God was? How defeated Pharaoh was? And I can also add here that in playing David and Goliath he wants to be Goliath. Every. time. My sweet son, always wants to be the bad guy... This proud mommy, who thinks that her son has such a kind soft heart, gets hit with reality every time. My son is still a sinner. In every story God shows himself powerful and so does the bad guy. But in Jays mind. Not the person that God uses.
Is this my problem too? Do I want to be the one who shows a little bit of power, or am I ok with God getting
all the glory? Is it a continual power struggle with me and the God of the Universe? Lord, help my heart.
Help me to decrease so that you can increase!! Help me to lead Jay in example of giving glory to God in
all things.