Well sort of.
Since tuesday I have been locked in my house with my two boys. A (almost) four year old and a 2 year old. We usually spend most of our days at home, but we are outside. We dont have cable and the boys watch one show a day on the bunny ears so we
try to get out and be active. Well, let be honest, they play and I watch. I am all about independent play! But since we are stuck in the house with "dry pants Miles." We have to think of fun things to do so that I dont lose it. We made "sweet" popcorn. Its just popcorn covered with brown sugar, butter, marshmallows and peanut butter.
Stop It. This is so divine. |
The way that my mom potty trained all of us, and tons more kids, is give them salty stuff so they will drink drink drink! So Miles has been eating so much JUNK! But, its fun:) He is doing so well on the potty, not at fast as his brother, but I think I am more of a patient momma this time. And come on....
Look at how cute his little butt looks in his undies:) |
This was when he woke up! Yay!
(I'm sure you all wanted to see that, but be thankful I didnt post the picture of the poop on the floor:) |
Yesterday my wonderful mom came for reinforcements! She watched Miles and helped him so I could make dinner and get stuff done! We sat, knit, and played with the boys. It was perfect.
I also opened up my shop on etsy finally! It has a new name. I just havent figured out what I am going to sell. I make such random stuff that it all doesnt flow together? So by this weekend you'll see it! Thanks to
ramblingsofalovesickmommy.com who continues to be one of my number #1 cheerleaders! I will link it up Saturday with my blog so you can see it in all its glory!
Today I have been doing another WIP (a knitters work in progress) and playing
inside with the boys. I have about 5 loads of laundry waiting on the bed for me to fold. But we
had to have something fabulous to do today. So....
Shaving cream with food dye! |
After this I had to stop taking pictures:) This shaving cream was all over them, and the floor. Miles was of course clapping with it, Jay was encouraging him to get it all over (Jay himself didnt do it for fear he would get in trouble, but he just loves to instigate his brother doing things:) They took baths and turned the water green and loved every minute of it! Jay said to me "Mommy, this is such a fun day."
I love those boys...
Do something fun with your kiddos today! I had a wonderful mom who did all this messy fun stuff with us, but if you cant think of anything then go on
Pinterest! There are so many great DIY stuff for kids! Enjoy them!