
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

a start

Life is so interesting, always changing, always growing. Jay amazes me everyday as he learns new things. Just today he has started to shrug his shoulders, like he is saying to me "whatever mom." Can they actually have that thought? How can such a little being have such a huge personality already? He is in most ways just like Davon, laid back, sweet, smiley, always wanting to do his own thing. But recently, I have been coming out in his personality, when he gets mad or frustrated, he clenches his fists and stiffens up and yells. Wow- at 10 months- already an attitude. What happened to just a few months ago when all I got were glimpes of a smile in between long naps. Now its all noise and all smiles! I love how he is changing, but at the same time it scares me. God has put a lot into Davon and my hands and now we have to raise him to be a man of God. It encourages me everyday to walk with the Lord more and more. Jay more than anyone we will ever meet, will learn from our example! Thats huge. 

This blogging is all new to me, hope you all as my friends and family enjoy the post and the pictures....maybe I can get one of him yelling at me so you can see for yourself. Right now he is sleeping though ...Praise the Lord!!!


Janet said...

"Stay-at-home Mom" - Those are wonderful words. I quit work when Anna Grace was 2 1/2, and my boys were 13 and 17. From day one, our only regret was that I had done it sooner. We really do only have one life to live on this earth, and our very best we should give to our dearest treasure, our family.

Janet said...

...our only regret was that I had NOT done it sooner...