
Friday, November 19, 2010

many roles of a mom

In my discipleship group we have been talking about spiritual gifts and if we are using ours, especially when we are all stay at home moms and spend all waking hours with our children. This is a hard thing for me to answer. I believe that the proverbs wife, and the wife referred to in Titus all are home ministries. After all, it really is the wife that runs the household right?! So yes, this is a job, and the most important. So is that myself, or am I losing myself? I keep trying to make myself into some super mom I think. I try to will it up myself.
The playful mom: one that always play with her kids instead of checking email, watching tv, or checking facebook (yeah right, thats what I want people to believe, but it actuality, I am blogging while Jay is watching curious george?!).
The crafty mom: one that is always working on projects with the kids, teaching them new things about the world around us, always knitting something new, or coming up with some cool project.
The stylish mom: one that always looks cute and trendy, not your typical mom jeans/ denim skirt.
a chef mom: one that is always coming up with new ideas of what to cook or bake, and because of this my kids will always be wonderful eaters (this is drenched with sarcasm).
the volunteer mom: one that is active in the community around me, and my church. Always ready to help where ever its needed. Teenagers love me and want to be around me and my family.

So many roles I feel like i need to fill. But in all of this am I working for man, or for God? I think that the answer is plain as day. I think that facebook gives an unrealistic picture of moms, its yourself writing what good things you can think of (for the most part). Can we be honest and say that we fall short a lot? Or at least I do? I am trying to will myself to play all these roles. So what role does God want me to play, and in that am I using the spiritual gifts that God has equipped me with? I think that this is the hardest thing for me as a stay at home mom. How about you?


Brookie said...

I think that people in many different stages of life can empathize with you- I know that I do as a student!
When I reflect upon my imperfection and inability to do it all and be it all, I am reminded of how blessed I am to be a child of God, who is perfectly complete, and through His complete nature, he completes me! That might be a "pat" answer, but it helps me put things in perspective.

Lindsey Parsons said...

Oh goodness! Boy, do I fall short of all these roles! I could definitely turn the tv off and put down the computer and play with Jackson some more. I am TOTALLY not the crafty mom. Jackson is a little too young to do most crafts and I have no idea how to knit. I'd like to be more of a chef mom but it seems like whenever I start cooking an extravagant meal is when Jackson has a meltdown. And, I've come to realize that I cannot fully be the volunteer mom I want to be. It's hard enough to get to church twice a week let alone more to volunteer or be a fully committed leader.

I think expecting yourself to be perfect is serving man. And you are right about facebook. We only put the good stuff on there. Although I find myself using a lot of self-deprication too. If only everyone did.

I think God just wants us to raise our children to be happy, healthy, and above all to know Him! Being perfect wouldn't be a realistic portrayal to show our children, and He wants us to be real with them. We have to show them we have flaws and we make mistakes. After all, they will one day too. We all fall short! Praise the Lord for grace!