
Friday, December 2, 2011

Pee Pee on the Pottay....

So a lot of my good friends have asked me how I potty trained two boys at two years old, in three days.
So I decided to post a few pointers. I know that there are lots of different ways to train them, as with all things, but this has worked for us, so here goes!
1. Do NOT put them in pull ups!
    I dont love this option. I have a few sweet friends that are ok with their kids walking around naked. I am not. However, for the sake of potty training, I do it.  For the first day I let them walk around naked and watch them like a hawk. i have no life. i dont shower. i hardly brush my teeth. its not pretty. BUT its worth it!
2. I keep them confined to mainly one room.
3. I give them salty treats that make them thirsty and want to drink, in turn makes them have to go!
4. An M&M for even staying on the potty. And two for going!

Day 2 is similiar except today they are wearing undies. I show them the big boy undies, we talk about how they are dry and they shouldnt be wet, thats yucky. I put them on and make them feel them. "Oh they are dry, you get an M&M." So we are now excited about dry undies AND going in the potty!
Everything else is still the same. I make them go every 20-30 minutes and it works!

There isnt much more to it:) I do get frustrated, I do watch the clock till my husband gets home, but after about 3 days, they get it! Now and again Miles has an accident, but its usually when we put him in a pull up for church, or bed. Which is why I steer clear of pull ups during the day! They may look different, and cost more, but they feel the same to them!

So good luck! They'll get it. My friend once told me "they arent going to go to college in diapers:)"
And you will have a kid so excited he stutters:)...

1 comment:

doremifaso07 said...

Lovin' the potty training info!