tonight my mom and I watched some movie on tv. This couple meets, gets married like a week later, their in laws meet eachother, the husbands mom starts cheating with the wifes dad? Then the husband finds out the wife had been married twice before. He divorces her for dishonesty. Meanwhile parents are still cheating. Then the exs decide to get back together and marry again. In the end everyone finds out about the cheating and what not. The couple gets divorced but decides to live together for the rest of their life. Wow. Hollywood? or real world? In the movie the guys says that maybe marriage is like a really long fad?
So what is marriage? My mom said to me during the movie, "thats the secular world honey." ok, if so then why get married? If no one really wants to stick it out for the long haul, you remember the "until death do us part?" Granted, I am lucky to have a man that treats me so well. But if we dont truly believe in the institution of marriage, then why do it? Cause its what we do in our twenties and thirties?
In my discipleship group our study for four weeks is marriage, a real biblical view of marriage. If we were being married to be examples of Christ for the world would we then be willing to stick it out for the sake of Christ? When marriage becomes your completion, or fulfillment, when it has to do with you, then I think we are missing the point. Take a minute and read Ephesians 5:17-33 or Colossians 3:15-19, the point is this. Marriage is about God - Not us. The minute we start living as Paul teaches, and God says, is the minute we are walking align God's purpose. It is about us becoming weaker so that He can be stronger.
I love being married. Davon is such a blessing and provides so much happiness for our family. But ultimately our hope and prayer is that we be an example of Christ and God's love for us. We pray that the love that we have for oneanother might always be a reflection of Christ's love for all of us.
1 comment:
WOW!! Preach it babe! I love this.
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