
Friday, March 18, 2011

whats going on?

Recent Events:
Jays has his 1st ever TBall tryouts tomorrow, which he has been asking about for two months now. I'm not sure what I am more excited about, the joy of seeing him start at a sport, or the questions being over with?
Miles is the same. Sassy and bad. But cute as ever. He loves to spit and say no to me, and maybe even slap his brother and cousin. We have had many time outs, bottom spanks, discipline talks, etc. He now walks straight to his time out place right when I say "time out," shakes his head and says "bad boy"....yep Miles, you are:)
Davon has been loving his job and working a lot. With high school students, with middle schoolers, loving the staff and growing with them and growing with his discipleship group. I love that he loves his job, I love that we seem more in love then we have ever been, I love the privilege of being married to such a great man.
I havent been so inclined to blog lately. I have been battling things in my life that I feel like the Lord is growing me, and sometimes I guess I am to private to share. I will share though how much I feel like what has happened in Japan has put a lot into perspective for me. I dont know why it has touched my heart so much. I guess I think about moms and children my kids ages that have no home and no place to go and have lost everything. Even some worried for their own lives or have lost family members. It has hit my heart so much. Yesterday i was talking to Davon about my frustrations with people who could give a rip what is going on in the world around us and are so consumed with their own lives. He said I was not allowed to get frustrated with everyone. God has been growing my heart for Him so much that I feel like maybe I am on a spiritual mountaintop, and I am looking down on everyone else. Which is just that...looking down. And Flat Out Wrong. He said after he went to Romania, and after going to a monestary, that he was warned that it was going to be hard to be around people that werent silent, or didnt care as much, they were not wrong, they were just in a different place in life. Its so funny how you can feel like God is growing you so much and yet there is still sooo much that I still need work on. So if it matters, to all of you that read this and are my friends on facebook, sorry, but I have been judging you. Hopefully you will forgive me:)


James A. Moore said...

Dear lady, there is nothing to forgive. All of us judge, rightly or wrongly. The important thing to remember is that the final judgement is in His hands. We are, all of us, flawed and merely doing our best in this world.

Lindsey Parsons said...

Right there with you, girl! I have been so heavy burdened by what's happening in Japan and praying fervently every day, all day that the people of Japan would know that God has not forsaken them and that He is there in the midst of their strife, holding them. Bryan and I have been keeping a close eye on all that Samaritan's purse is doing to send aid to them. In fact, we are giving our tithe from our tax money to Samaritan's Purse to help with the relief effort there and the continuing effort in Haiti!