
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"everybody's workin for the weekend"

Ugh...What a weekend.
I am posting today because my husband works in the ministry, so Mondays are our Sabbath, Sundays are a work day:) Our weekends are broken up, Saturday and Monday are weekend days to us:) Which is fine by me! 
This Saturday, though, Davon had to "work" and by work I mean he played games with sixth graders all day at a camp in north georgia. Tough stuff right?!

and I had to "work" too... I took the boys to warbingtonfarms for most of the day to play in the sun, eat yummy sugary snacks and see chickens, pigs, ducks, turkeys, llamas, and these cute cows...

Miles wanted so badly to get off the trailer and play with them...not my child, more like my moms:)
If anyone knows me, I pretend as well as I can to not be totally uncomfortable around all animals for the sake of my children!

Then we got home just in time to meet up with daddy, so I could leave to go watch The Hunger Games with these fabulous eighth grade girls! It is such a blessing to me able to invest in the younger generation. Being a ministry wife is difficult at times, but when you are as invested as your husband is, its makes it sooo much easier!!

Then came sunday....
Miles loves peanut butter. He will say this to me daily, "Mommy, I like peanut butter, so much." Yes I know son. We go through it like crazy, and I try to make all different flavors. We have made honey peanut butter, cinnamon raison, vanilla coconut, and sunday was chocolate peanut butter (pretty sure my favorite!).
and probably Miles' too!

They played at the park with a sweet friend of mine, while I hung out with my discipleship group...

you know, really getting deep in the Word:)!

Then came Monday....
This is our 5 pound chihuahua who has, unknown to us,  infested our house with fleas.
Yep. I know.
The fleas don't seem to bite anyone in our family, but Jayson. I won't even tell you how many bites he has. Its sad. I feel like an awful mother.
So after a trip to petsmart for flea killer to spray the whole house. Stripping all beds. A trip to the vet for  a pill to kill the fleas (I might add she has had 4 flea baths and her regular on the back treatment of flea meds all in the past 2 weeks), we finished the night off in style.
with a healthy digiorno pizza and wings, or as they spell it wyngz.

and little boy pedicures, per the request of my flea bitten 4 year old.

I'm exhausted. Embarrassed. and offering Charli, the chihuahua to any home that wants her, she flea free now people!!?

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